California Roadside Paintings #1

California Hills

   A little over a year ago we took a family vacation out to California. Our goal was to visit as many of the National Parks as we could. California has eight of them! We were able to visit Death Valley, Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Yosemite, Channel Islands and Joshua Tree. Like our last trip West, we were stunned by the beauty surrounding us. If I were taking the trip alone, we never would have been able to see so much, for I would be stopping every mile or so to take pictures of just the sites right along the road. There were a few shots I took while traveling in the car that I have been dying to paint. This month I am going to try and do just that.
     Also, this month, one of the painting sites I belong to, is having a challenge in painting clouds: puffy clouds, storm clouds, sunset clouds, clouds in all their various colors and shapes...Some of my pictures that I took have some stunning cloud formations so I thought I would mix the cloud challenge and my desire to get these roadside pictures painted. Though the picture above doesn't have too much in the way of clouds, I thought I would start with something simple and move on to a more dramatic sky. Below is the painted result....


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