
I blame my sister Cherie for this new little interest and an actual need I have for specific functioning baskets. Years ago my sister took up the hobby of basket making with some teacher colleagues of hers. These ladies would get together and teach each other the art of basket making...and chat of course. Well one Christmas or birthday, I can't remember which, she sent me a cute basket to keep my crochet work in. Ever since then I wanted to learn. Of course life happened, and I never got around to learning, but this past summer Cherie brought some basket kits to work on at our annual beach vacation. Below is a picture of my first ever basket adventure.

It is a cute little cat head basket. We spent the rainy day happily chatting away while we struggled to complete the project. OK, I was hooked and yet another hobby. But the usefulness of baskets for a gardener! From harvesting produce to laying out herbs for drying, I am picturing the baskets I need...and want. I saw the colors of this basket I just completed (for a birthday gift) in a magazine, so not only did I make this basket but died the reeds as well. Boy, do I love amazon and YouTube! After struggling with my first basket at the beach, there were some questions I had and the computer is a great resource for answering questions. This basket incorporated a pre-made handle, some twining techniques for the base along with some fillers for the base as well. After reading and watching videos and ordering supplies I got to work this week creating this rather large original piece. Now that my supplies are out and some reed is died, I will be making a few market baskets to use in the garden. And I have an idea for some more paintings...and...


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