Workspaces and Watercolor Week
One of the hardest things for me while painting is keeping my thoughts and then my painting in an orderly fashion. I begin well, or with good intentions, but somewhere in the process I get impatient with the way things are going and all falls apart. My desk I fear is a portrait of how jumbled my brain is after I finish a painting. I always think: if I could just keep calm and think carefully with each stroke of the brush my painting will improve. This may come with time...but again the impatience sets in. My daughter is a total opposite of me. Her work is all about the patience and detail. She has practiced her craft and she can achieve what she sets out to do. I admire that. I loose patience and give into my frustrations. Then again, what artist is not frustrated? This desk is a week of work. It was nice to concentrate for a week. Though I missed my husband, who was off on a business trip, is does provide a little more time to get some extra hours in. The house clea...