Winter Planning for that Spring Garden

When you live down South, winter is a busy time for gardeners. After the busyness of the Holidays have past the seed catalogs start rolling in. I pile them up on my desk and try to get to them before all the specials expire. Gurneys and Gardens Alive always have 50% off sales and even free shipping. So, if I am ordering seeds, fertilizers and supplies, I spend a week about now trying to figure out what may be on my wish list. 

This year, after seeing my sister's success with potatoes, I want to give them a try again. Gurneys has some wonderful upright containers to put them in to save space. There is also the lettuce, chard, kale and spinach seeds to order, along with some chile peppers and tomatoes. Of course not to be forgotten are the butternut squash, yellow squash, zucchini and cucumber seeds. 

February is a good time to start the peppers and tomatoes from seed if you want large healthy plants ready to put in the ground by Easter time. If the weather warms up in late February, it is also time to plant the greens and lettuce into the ground, so having  those seeds ready is a good idea. Lettuce and such also are good potted crops, so if you don't have a space in the yard get some medium sized pots and plant away! 

Of course don't forget to keep your eyes open for herb plants. The garden centers around here stock a few plants throughout the year so I collect them a little here and there. Whole Foods usually carries them also and I will pick them up one or two every week. Just smelling herbs is a pick me up during the longish winter. 

Thinking and planning for the Spring garden is a wonderful pastime as it is cold and dreary outside. I am thankful for the short winters here in Louisiana!


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