Workspaces and Watercolor Week

One of the hardest things for me while painting is keeping my thoughts and then my painting in an orderly fashion. I begin well, or with good intentions, but somewhere in the process I get impatient with the way things are going and all falls apart. My desk I fear is a portrait of how jumbled my brain is after I finish a painting. I always think: if I could just keep calm and think carefully with each stroke of the brush my painting will improve. This may come with time...but again the impatience sets in. My daughter is a total opposite of me. Her work is all about the patience and detail. She has practiced her craft and she can achieve what she sets out to do. I admire that. I loose patience and give into my frustrations. Then again, what artist is not frustrated? 

This desk is a week of work. It was nice to concentrate for a week. Though I missed my husband, who was off on a business trip, is does provide a little more time to get some extra hours in. The house cleaning and cooking went by the wayside for the most part. Poor James! But he doesn't complain about leftovers, thankfully. Today the husband is due home and I am paying the price of spending the day cleaning.

Here is My Workspace

To be honest, I have several work spaces throughout the house. One bedroom is dedicated to photography, my computer, two closets full of frames and old photos and supplies, along with two shelves full of card making stuff and more painting supplies. One hall closet is full of herbal supplies, and part of another large closet is now full of herbs and basket supplies. Believe it or not, I have a desk in my daughters old room with my sewing machine set up and her closet is now full of knitting things. Yes, now that the children are heading out to their own lives, this house is being taken over. So hard not to. So hard to keep it all under control.


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