Two Paintings Down...

An Italy Challenge
I have this website that I belong to, that offers monthly painting challenges. This month it is to paint a scene from Italy. It has been almost a year, hard to believe, since I have done a challenge. I do believe it shows...but thankful for new beginnings. To help me keep up the painting I have also joined an art group that meets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Right now, I will be only be going on Wednesdays, but maybe, if I can get my act together I will commit to Tuesdays as well. I really do want to keep this up. I have found though, that the more time I seem to have the more I waste. Accountability is a good thing. 

I also completed a painting from Monument Valley. Pictures from my travels continue to inspire me. If only I can paint what I see in my head. Much, much to practice on the next several months!


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