A Little Visitor

I now own several parrots, and when the weather permits, I take out our large parrot and place him in his cage, and I also roll out another cage onto the patio.
While working in the garden, fertilizing the herbs that have survived the winter thus far, I heard all the birds go crazy with their squawking and screaming. Running back there, I found this hawk, beating against the cage of my little conure parrots, Bert and Ernie. 
He stayed the afternoon and into the early evening. I kept wondering if he was raised by people. He was so friendly and not at all scared of me, my cat or the dog. 
Anyway, I grabbed my camera and spent about an hour taking pictures, a few videos and just enjoying having a hawk around.

 Here is the hawk on top of one of the bird cages. He is looking into it, trying to figure out how to get that morsel of meat inside. You got to love hawks. They are beautiful birds!


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