My Favorite Green Juice

Here are my favorite jars again filled with, not almond milk, but my favorite green juice recipe. This juice has it all: 
 Pineapple juice Pineapple juice contains the enzyme bromelain, which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and digestive enzyme. Bromelain helps reduce inflammation and pain following surgery and encourages the healing of bruises, according to New York University's Langone Medical Center. It may also help reduce inflammation caused by sinusitis. As an enzyme, bromelain promotes good digestion by helping the body break down proteins.
Green Apples
 Apple juice is one of the best sources of malic acid that plays an important role in improving muscle performance, reversing muscle tiredness after exercise, prevent muscle stiffness, and generally reducing lethargy and increasing energy levels. This makes it a great help for people suffering from fibromyalgia. 
Drinking fresh celery juice neutralizes acidity, alkalizes the body (a Standard American Diet is very acid forming), and balances the body’s pH. A slightly alkaline pH is essential to good health (and fertility). Celery juice also re-hydrates the body and replaces electrolytes so it is a fantastic and much healthier alternative to Gatorade and other sports drinks.
Celery juice contains many anti-cancer compounds and reduces the risk of certain cancers including colon and stomach cancer. It has also been shown to lower bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure as good or better than many prescription medications.
Drinking celery juice helps balance weight by helping to reduce cravings for rich or sweet foods. Celery juice also aids weight loss, reduces cellulite and puffiness by acting as a diuretic and reducing inflammation. Want to shed those post-baby pounds?  Forget the protein bars.  Drink celery juice.
Celery juice is calming and cooling. It has a calming effect on the entire nervous system and helps balance body temperature during extreme heat.
Drinking fresh celery juice also prevents constipation and reduces the risk of calcification in the body such as kidney, urinary and gall bladder stones.

Enough said--here is my recipe. If you use a masticating juicer this will keep for 72 hours.

8 green apples
1 bunch of kale
1 head of celery
3 cucumbers
1 whole pinapple
juice of three lemons
1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger
This recipe will make about 8 cups of juice and will last one person a week, with one serving, about a 1 1/4 cups. Wonderful tasting and so good for you.

Small note: there is much talk about the benefits of juicing and the benefits of the enzymes in fruits and vegetables. Many people agree, though much cheaper, centrifugal juicers destroy these wonderful healthy enzymes. This a good thing to remember when purchasing a juicer. The adage is true here, you get what you pay for.


  1. Thanks for the recipe, but what is the difference between the two different kinds of juicers?


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