Hydrangeas Have the Blues

Can anything be more soothing to look at than Hydrangeas? I have lately added them to my gardens, even though they are in large pots. Haven't decided where exactly I want them. But for now, I just enjoy looking at them in all their splendor. Last year they were blooming, just as we left for the beach and I foolishly cut off all the blooms thinking I could dry them. It didn't work. They were a mess when I got home. So I am thinking, how does one dry hydrangea blooms? I would like to try again. I know nothing is the same as fresh blooms, but to be able to save a bit of that color for the barren winter months!

Has anyone ever tried painting them? I don't recall ever seeing a painting of this plant. the painting wouldn't be subtle with a riot of color. The blues, and violets, the cream, it could be quite lovely, I think.


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