Not Liking the Results

Turtle Beach, Hawaii
It's been a wonderful morning of painting. I am not really happy with the results, but I must be content with the learning process. Lately, I have spent hours looking at other's work. I know what I like, but I cannot seem to get there yet. Brush work is holding me back right now. I love the impressionistic strokes of the masters--I need patience and a master to teach me--so I struggle on. Many painting later I might see the results.
We have a workshop this month on a photo Richard Robinson took from Turtle Beach, Hawaii. No turtles, but plenty of Rock to practice on and palm trees!

This is my second attempt at this painting. I have a feeling this blog will see this subject again this month...when I get the courage and inpiration to try again...maybe in pastel...maybe in watercolor...




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