Continuing the Watercolor Journey

The Lone Tree

This picture was taken in 2010 during our trip to the Grand Canyon. I had just dropped off the boys to do their "little day hike" down to the canyon floor and then up again. It was early morning around 5:30 or 6:00 and I became fascinated by the changing light as the sun rose above the canyons. The sky was full of pinks and lavenders reflected off the canyons and the shadows were a deep burgundy color. The picture I took did not at all come out the way I wanted, but I remembered all those colors as I painted. Hiking around the canyon one would come across all these knarly trees beatifully sculpted by the harsh weather. I love this scene so much, I know I will revisit it many times. This is just the first of many paintings. This week I found a wonderful water-colorist in the UK who gives lessons online and I will be adding those to my already packed schedule. There are just so many wonderful ways to paint, it is hard to settle on just one medium!


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